《毁灭的发明》是一部深刻探讨科技与人性关系的电影,以历史为背景,讲述了在科技进步的同时,人类情感和道德伦理的逐渐疏远。影片通过几位关键角色的视角,展现了技术发展对个人和社会带来的冲击。豆瓣内容: As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, meticulous cinematic rendering of the aesthetic and conceptual inventions of proto-science fiction genius Jules Verne, based on one of the famed author's lesser known short stories. However, the real star of the film is the intricate art direction, successfully rendering the visual style of nineteenth century woodcuts and engravings into motion pictures, creating a stylized and surreal graphic world within which Verne’s fanciful tale unfolds. A brilliant scientist, Dr. Roche, perches high above a stormy sea, inventing a powerful explosive, when he and his assistant are kidnapped by an evil businessman, Artigas. Taken by submarine to Artigas' volcano headquarters, Roche is tricked into developing his experiment for evil intentions. The scientist’s assistant, Simon, struggles all the while to free himself and warn Roche. A magical world of baroque submarines and sailing ships, killer octopus, undersea bicycles dazzles audiences as human actors, puppetry, animation and fanciful scenic design interact to create a cinematic experience that is unique by any standards. Mixing slapstick comedy, action adventure pacing and Mélies style film magic, this little known Czechoslovakian gem transcends the juvenile literature at its source to create cinematic art of the highest order....影片中,卢博尔·托科什饰演的工程师是一位执着于发明,却对社会影响缺乏足够警觉的角色。他的一句台词是:“我只关心如何让机器更高效,至于它会如何改变世界,那是别人的事。”Arnost Navrátil饰演的角色则是一个深受技术进步影响的知识分子,他对科技进步的利弊有着深刻的反思。他的台词是:“我们创造的技术,最终成为了束缚我们的枷锁。”米罗斯拉夫·霍卢布则扮演了一个试图在科技进步与传统价值观之间找到平衡的普通人。他的一句台词是:“技术可以改变世界,但真正的力量在于人的心灵。”这三位演员以其精湛的演技,生动地刻画了不同立场的人物形象,使观众在欣赏剧情的同时,也引发了对于科技发展与人类未来深层次的思考。